Mary Banns, Patricia Bath, Jackie Bowler, Steven Brooks, Muriel Bryant, Theresa Chalmers, Ellen Clark, Patsy Drake, Deacon Tony Felton, Christine Felton, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Richard Freeland, Derek Gibson, Ann Kemp, Sue Kerr, Alasdair Kirkpatrick, Jo Lewis, Billy Maloy, Tanya Maloy, Barbara O’Brien, Terry O’Brien, Michael Osborne, Elizabeth Page, Ginny Quinn, Kathryn Robinson, Simon Smith, Luciana Staff, Philip Taylor, Rosemary Topham, Jamie Whittenbury, Martin Williams.
Please pray for the family and friends of Muriel Jean Bryant RIP, whose funeral was held on Friday 14th February.
Those with anniversaries
Bungay and Harleston:
Nick Clissitt, Carole Hunt, Michael Lewis, Rita Needs, Ann Smith, Katy Wakely.
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