Giving is essential to our parish’s survival as well as our ability to work within the community. More than 90% of our income relies on donations from parishioners and supporters to keep the doors open and help others in need. We know that nowadays people prefer more flexibility in when and how they can give, so the Parish provides various ways.
You can now make a secure one-off donation using a debit or credit card right here:
Simply click on the Donate with Dona button above to donate to our parish online. This takes you to our secure site. That’s all you need to do to help our parish financially.
You will also be asked if you wish to Gift Aid your donation. By clicking ‘yes’ there is a onetime registration which just involves giving your name and address. The secure system will remember you next time you donate with that bank card. If you are a UK taxpayer HMRC will pay the parish back 25% of whatever you contribute. If this does not apply or you would rather not, then simply click ‘no’.
In recent years, particularly since the Covid epidemic, there has been a large increase in contactless card use. You can now support your parish, when you don’t have cash to hand, by using the contactless machine situated near the side chapel of the church at Bungay. All you have to do is choose what you wish to give towards, the amount you’d like to donate and then either tap your card or swipe it. The machine can be used for first and second collections at Mass, pay for repository items and candles, and make donations towards baptism, marriage and Mass intentions. You will also be invited to Gift Aid your donation if wished.
If you do online banking, a direct way to donate is with a bank transfer. If you can, please also consider a monthly gift by Standing Order. Our account details are:
Any donations for St Benet’s Parish can be made to:-
St Benet’s Parish (Beccles) Accounts
Sort Code: 30-98-97 ; Account: 7907 4762.
One-off payments can be made by the card reader at the back of St Benet’s Church.
The monthly collection for the upkeep of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour can be made to:-
Gillingham Catholic Church
Sort Code: 20-92-08; Account: 4051 8174
St Edmund’s RC Church Bungay
Sort Code: 20-17-20
Account Number: 23285391
Please add your surname and first name as a reference.
The quickest and easiest way to do Gift Aid is by using the website donation button or contactless machine in St Edmund’s Church. Alternatively, you can print off the Gift Aid form on this website and return to the Gift Aid Officer, Sue Allen,
If you are a taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. The government will top up your gift by 25 per cent, meaning a £20 offering becomes £25, at no cost to you.
Times are not always straightforward for many of us and circumstances change but any donation you can make is much needed and appreciated. Everything that happens in our parish is only possible with your support.